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America 24/365 Promotional Local Cover Letter

America 24/365: A Year of Around the Clock Prayer in 2016
Imploring God to revive His church and bring a spiritual awakening to our nation

Dear _______________;

“When God sends revival he can do more in a single day than in fifty years of all our organization.” Martin Lloyd Jones

To see a God-sent revival is the hope of the church. Church Historian J. Edwin Orr said that every revival in history has been preceded by the unified prayer of God’s people. Prior to the first Great Awakening Jonathan Edwards called for unified extraordinary prayer on the part of God’s people. God heard and He answered! One type of extraordinary prayer is spoken of by Isaiah. “I have posted watchmen on your walls...they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the LORD, give yourselves no rest, and give him no rest” Isaiah 62:6-7.

Because God wants to bless us with His transforming presence and power He is calling the body of Christ to day and night prayer. It is our joy to answer His call.

Do you agree that covering our region with 24/7 prayer for an entire year is a Spirit-directed initiative? If so, I trust you will get involved.

Here’s how it will work. There are 168 hours in a week. We’re trusting God to provide 168 people who will commit to pray during the same hour once a week for 52 weeks. For example, if someone chooses 4 a.m. Monday they are dedicating that hour each week to pray for revival. It’s that simple! We will supply all who participate with a Prayer Guide that includes, “How to spend an hour with God in prayer”. We want this to be a great experience for God’s people!

To register as a participant in this prayer initiative and choose your hour of prayer
(put your web address and other contact information here).

I believe there will be a rich blessing for every person who dedicates themselves to an hour of prayer each week to seek God for revival. Surely the Lord will bend His ear to hear and answer our prayers!

Yours in prayer for revival,

(Your name here)

Feel free to reword this letter to fit your personal approach to registering people.