America 24/365 Promotional Materials

Thank you for your willingness to participate and organize America 24/365. 

These promotional materials are available for you to download, use and distribute at your discretion at no cost. You will notice that there are 2 options from which to choose from. Each option contains a promotional card, and a promotional poster. The card can be handed out alone or inserted in to a church bulletin. The poster can be posted wherever a poster may be posted. At the bottom of each of these graphics is an area where you can enter a web address or contact information. Depending on your capabilities, you may write your information in by hand or use computer software. There is also a sign up sheet that can be edited by hand or using software. The remaining 2 graphics are identical regardless of option.They consist of two multi-purpose images. The narrow image would be great for a bumper sticker, insert, magnet, book marker, etc. The other can be used in a variety of applications also.

Last but not least there are three Word documents that are meant to be informative, promotional and provide sustentation. Here again, they are identical regardless of option. You can click on the links to view each document as it appears on our website. However, the download will occur in a standard Word document format. 

Download A Complete Promotional Package

Option 1 

Write Your Info By Hand
Plus 2

Option 2 

Edit Your Info With Software
Plus 2