How We Did It

America 24/365: A Year of Around the Clock Prayer 2016 

This is an account of how we promoted and organized Around the Clock Prayer in Northeast Ohio

As you read the story of how a Year of Around the Clock Prayer was implemented in Trumbull County (Northeast Ohio) you can glean some ideas of how you will do it in your area.

I pastor a small church of about 80 people in Cortland, Ohio. I also am part of a pastor’s fellowship that meets weekly to pray for revival in our region as part of the Trumbull County Prayer Movement. Getting pastors and churches involved was key to enlisting folks to commit to pray an hour each week for the entire year. This provided much needed prayer support as well.

We developed a graphic that would represent the prayer initiative and appear on promotional materials and be posted on social media. The graphic has been edited to represent this national effort and is ready for you to use in your area. We gave people three ways to “register” for their hour of prayer: a phone number, an email address and a website. Registering online became the primary way people got involved. The online registration form showed the hours taken and those still available and was sent out twice a week via email and social media to update our progress. All who signed up provided their name, phone number and email address enabling us to establish ongoing communication via email and a Facebook Page dedicated to the year of prayer.
Even though a web page is very helpful you could simply use a phone number and/or email to register people. God will bless your efforts because He is calling His people to prayer.

We developed promotional materials that included the graphic, a poster, a bulletin insert, and a Prayer Guide to assist people in how to spend an hour with God in prayer. Everyone who registered received a copy of the Prayer Guide. These promotional materials have also been edited to represent the national effort and are available to you to use in your area.

We set January 1, 2015 as the start date for A Year of Around the Clock Prayer. In September of 2014 we only had about 30 of the 168 hours filled. That’s when the Lord impressed on my heart He wanted this to go to the nation! I wept when I thought about the spiritual impact of having every city or region of our country covered with 24/7 prayer for a year. We trusted the Lord and persisted in getting the word out and by the first week of January every hour was filled! God came through for us! He will come through for you as well!

The Lord brought added confirmation to the vision when Franklin Graham announced the Decision America Tour and his plans to visit every state in the nation in 2016 to rally Christians to pray for America. It’s exciting to see how the Holy Spirit is calling The Church to prayer! He must have something good in mind for our nation!

We are doing what we can to get the word out about A Year of Around the Clock Prayer for America leaving the results in God’s hands.

When you visit the web page there will be a place to register and download the materials you need to organize and promote your local effort at no cost. May God bless you and your efforts for His glory!

Pastor Dan Barker